Web API Documentation
Service Description
customers maintains resources related to customers and their item descriptions, may be limited to a subset based on credential
inventory inventory resources, including receivers, adjustments, assemblies, purchase orders, count schedules, and available inventory lists
jobs inspects the headless horseman job queue
master Resources at supra-tenant scope: threepls, master logins, api provisioning; must use a token based upon Multi-Tenant credentials
orders maintains resources relevant to shipping inventory, including orders with line items, allocation, packages, picking and packing
properties maintains resources shared across services, such as facilities and their locations, units of measure, movable unit types, etc.
reportdefs maintains resources related to report definitions, including report generation and customization
uiproperties maintains resources for the V2 user interface
wmstools provides Operators to support back office processes FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY!!
A rel, formally defined in RFC5988, is a string, optionally a URI, where each rel connects a resource with HTTP verbs allowed on the resource.

Consider http://api.3plcentral.com/rels/ customers / items
  customers is the Service, and
  items is the Resource within the Service.

The rel is a URI. When entered in a browser, it leads to this documentation.

Rel Categories

Data Rels

Data rels represent either a single or a collection of resources.
The resource is one record. HTTP methods typically include GET (retrieve), PUT (update) and DELETE. See each specific rel for which are supported.
The resource is a list of records. HTTP methods typically include GET (retrieve) and POST (add new resource to the list). See each specific rel for which are supported.

Operator Rels

Operator rels act on a single or collection of resources, and execute either synchronously or asynchronously.
The response is returned when the operation is done.
The response is returned immediately and contains a link to GET the completion status.

3PLCentral employees: see Development for a description of how to maintain this API reference material.

This documentation is subject to change, and is updated often and without warning. The models documented may or may not be available to users now or in the future. Use this documentation at your own risk.
Contact api@3plcentral.com with any questions about this documentation.